utorak, 21. veljače 2012.

Traditional Doughnut with Marmelade

Traditional Doughnut with Marmalade

Carnival Days always end in Tuesday,that is famous Carnival Tuesday  and traditional sweets at that day are Carnival Doughnuts .
So every family fry Carnivals Doughnuts at Carnival Tuesday.

Carnival Doughnuts


  1. 4 eggs
  2. 500 gram flour
  3. 1/4 litter milk
  4. 60 gram fresh yeast
  5. 6 tbs oil
  6. 3 tbs sugar
  7. lemon peel
  8. little sea salt

All integrates add together at big bowl,make dough with hands as you make it for bread.
Add it at warm place to rice double.
Stretch it at 1cm and cut it with modl/form/ or glass.Leave it to grow again.
Fry it in warm deep oil!In still warm doughnuts add marmalade and powder sugar

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